Welcome To My New Blog...
I decided to start this new blog, as I needed to start having
some fun again... as I'm sure many of you out there do too,
just like me, could use some fun, have a laugh, and would like
to find some fun ways to make some extra money....
(without spending more than you make!)
Life Truly is too short to be miserable, AND
"Laughter really is the Best Medicine" as they say..
Last week we had another death in the family, which just made
me realise, that I really just wanted to get back to having some fun...
While business is and can be a serious subject, especially at the
moment for many, you have got to have some fun doing it..
or what's the point exactly?
So I have joined some crazy ass things lately,
but believe it or not..I am back having fun and making money
at the same time.. (Go Figure)..
That is the reason for this new blog..
There will be 4Fs of Fun.. Here..
#1 Fun Places to Advertise...
#2 Fun Places to Make Money...
#3 Fun Just for the Heck of it... (ie , Pictures & Jokes)
#4 Fun Free Stuff... (Freebies) ...
"2008, has been great" ( sort of! )
"Lets make 2009, Better than Fine!"
"Hope you will join me here, and have some fun,
For Funs' Sake" And May the Fun Force be with YOU ...

Or Else... :)