The Poor wee soul ... Hey , I had all sons , so for me this is hilarious!
(Every Parents' worst nightmare perhaps!)
A father asks his 10-year old son if he knows about the " birds and the bees"?
"I don't want to know!! " he says , bursting into tears.
"Please ... Promise me you won't tell me"
Very confused, the father asked what was wrong..
The boy sobs , When I was six, I got the......
"There's no Easter Bunny" speech
When I was seven , I got the ....
"There's no such thing as the Tooth Fairy" speech
When I was eight, you hit me with the....
"There's no such thing as Santa" speech!
So If you are going to tell me that grown-ups don't really shag..
I'll have nothing left to live for... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL , Oh dear.. how sad, never mind!