Thursday, July 2, 2009

Newly Launched Fun Advertising Places...

WOW, What a WEEK!!

Or Two , this week!

With all the NEW Launches of Great Advertising sites this week!
Having a blonde moment or two, 'Tis Making my Head Spin!!

With Excitement of course... lol

While staying focused on NPN, I have only been looking into more
good advertising sites , not any more join me, and make a gazillion $$,
Am over all of those, and very happy with what I have!

(Still a Team Orange Moonie too of course )

However WOW, be careful what you wish for......
Looking at new ad sites, and boom! all at once,

They launch a few in the same week ... hmmmm!

A couple , I even did try to ignore at first, as I didn't
know exactly what they were about at the time!

After some hours spent finding out more..
I did realise, I would be crazy not to do some of them,

All are good advertising ones.. and One with a nice twist..

Not just advertising, but a funnel of prospects coming at you,
on Auto-Pilot each month ... well, I liked that idea !!

10,000 opt in targeted prospects, monthly
for $9.95....

It wasn't really till this audio that answered all my questions,
that I did finally realise the full potential of it....

Listen Here to this Short Audio....

While I did join earlyish, over 15,000 more have joined
since then... and about to be a lot more in the next few days!!

If by chance you haven't yet, which would suprise me!!
Please do Yourself a favour, and
JOIN HERE NOW..........

Even if you decide it's not for you later, it's free to join
while in Pre-Launch, and you have nothing at all to lose!!

These are the other new ones Launched just this week!

SUCCESS QUIK ( New Feeder into Revenue Magic)
I have been in RM, for over a year, I have found it very
responsive, and so far so is Success Quik ...

One time only, $9.95, gives you perpetual ads and $$
Feeds you into the higher levels, with no out of pocket
expense!!! Loving this one!!

NET BUG Advertising ... Get Paid to Watch Videos..
Going to be a free version And a paid membership option..
Good for video advertisers , or just get paid to watch.... :)

TAGM Advertising.. (this does have a weekly charge) ..
of $5.75 , not monthly, just so you know!!!
Still testing it out, seems good so far.. and they do
guarantee cycling even if you get NO referrals..

Hope You have a great weekend,
And make sure You Have some fun!

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